Sunday, May 18, 2008

Sing a long

This is what I have sung to Joey since he was born... Not bored, just want to share this with you.

It goes a little something like this:

"Heeee's myyyy little schnookum woo, little schnookum poo, little schnookum woo woo woo woo bear.

Heeee's myyyy little pookum poo, little pookum woo, little schnookie woo, poo poo poo bear.

Heeee's just a schnookuuuuuum, he's a poookuuuuuuuum, he's just a little little little little wookuuuuum. He's my little guy... the littlest guy in the wide world.

The wiiide woooooooorld...." and then I change it up a bit.. mm,k?

it's late.

1 comment:

Robin Baker - The Blessed Hippie said...

That's cute! I get all crazy in the morning - clapping and singing when they get up.
"It's a good morning, good morning, a good morning little Jackson (or Owen)" and repeat really fast while clapping. LOL