Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Where do babies come from?

How do you tell a 5 year old where babies come from? I was always told by professionals and books to be honest and age appropriate about it. So up till now, I have told Joey the basics... He has watched a video (that did not show nudity or the birth of course) about the developing baby in utero to birth. He was educated that the sperm from the Dad fertilizes the egg from the Mom and on from there.

One thing you have to understand about Joey is he can tell when you aren't giving him the facts and he is scary inquisitive! As you can tell, I don't have any other options but to be honest. Besides, I don't believe in the alternative.

LUCKILY, he has not made the connection as to HOW it all happens in the first place.. haha!! Last night was the first time he asked. I think my heart stopped and I just laid there frozen, not knowing what to say. "Mom, how does the baby get inside the mom in the beginning?"
Ummmm.... finally I thought, "From the Dad." Scared out of my mind what would come next he goes...

"OH Yeah, the sperm!"
"Right." I said...
I can breathe!... he still didn't make the connection and to avoid the chance of him asking, I quickly changed the subject.
So far it has been diverted, but for the time being I will get educated as to what a child should know and how they should be told.

Whew! but his reply cracks me up.... too much!


Boy is it a BOY! Unbelievable! I cannot express how much I 'knew' it was a girl... I don't know what to think! Dreams, feelings, you name it- I had them!!!

BUT, there was the penis- there was no escaping it! He kept flashing us.. it was like he was trying to say something.

His name is Jed Maxime Prado. Jed means 'God's Beloved' and Maxime (a french boy's name) is pronounced 'Mahcseem'- but Joe says "Maxim-ae"... I don't mind either way.

Here's his profile pics: The 2nd one looks as if he's about to suck his thumb. So cute! One of these pics was taken right before he scratched his face! It was amazing to see how animated they are so young.

This is the best one of him flasing us! LOOK at his butt cheeks! SO cute!!!... then again, I am the Mom.
"And here it is again Mom, just in case you didn't see the first five times!"
This one you can't see as clearly- it looks like an arrow pointing to the right! This cracks me up.

Wow... was I surprised! I am so happy for my little guy though, and glad Joey has a little brother to look up to him.

Joey is so sweet... everytime he sees me or passes by, he comes up and lifts up my shirt and kisses the baby.. "Hello Baby Brother!- my little baby brother in the womb." and kisses him all over... it's so cute!

This guy is nuts... he wouldn't sit still for a second! We were lucky to get those pics of his profile. At one point, we went to look at his face and he had his fists up by his head and started punching the sac like it was a punching bag- like crazy, over and over! His little face was squished while he was doing it as if he was frustrated... it was the funniest thing. He seems to be like, "GET ME OUT! I'm DONE!!!" He's a lot like Joey that way.

I'm pregnant!

Here's my littlest guy at 8 weeks- like a pea in a pod :)

Old news now... But boy was I relieved! I thought it would never happen.... at 5:45 on February 22nd, at about the 10th time I went to the bathroom since I fell asleep, I finally took a test. I was 16 days late so I thought it was about time :P (I didn't want to take a test earlier cause I was terrified of being confronted with a negative sign again)
Except for the frequent bathroom trips and sore and growing chest, I didn't have any symptoms to speak of...

I was 6 weeks at the time and my due date is October 15... Joey's Birthday is October 13th! I wonder how close they are going to be... funny.
We are ecstatic!

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Sing a long

This is what I have sung to Joey since he was born... Not bored, just want to share this with you.

It goes a little something like this:

"Heeee's myyyy little schnookum woo, little schnookum poo, little schnookum woo woo woo woo bear.

Heeee's myyyy little pookum poo, little pookum woo, little schnookie woo, poo poo poo bear.

Heeee's just a schnookuuuuuum, he's a poookuuuuuuuum, he's just a little little little little wookuuuuum. He's my little guy... the littlest guy in the wide world.

The wiiide woooooooorld...." and then I change it up a bit.. mm,k?

it's late.

Obama Fights for Partial Birth Abortion Updated

I wrote this to my Mom a bit ago and I feel it's important enough to add to my blog. I don't prefer to talk about it and would rather not have this negativity on my site but I feel a moral obligation to spread the word.

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good people to do nothing."
- Edmund Burke

If you look back in history, you can see the truthfulness of this statement in nearly every abominable thing that has occured. In fact, what frustrates me the most about this world, is for the an otherwise 'good person' to sit there and read this (YES YOU) and think... 'Oh, that is terrible... Oh, well.' I know it is hard to speak up against what is popular, what Hollywood is about and Obama happens to be that right now. It is almost never easy to do the right thing, nevertheless- grow some balls and speak up!

((By the way, my Mother, who is a serious liberal and avid supporter of Obama wrote back and thanked me for giving her this information and told me she would pass this on- a satisfaction she has never given me before.))

HOWEVER, this is not an issue of liberal vs conservative or left vs right or democrat vs republican, so get that dumb crap out of your head before you proceed! Most democrats are against this issue as most people.. I pray for the souls who aren't- actually, to be honest, I really don't care what happens to them.

I really believe Barack Obama is evil, and actually for a very simple reason. Before I learned about this, I never really cared about him. He just seemed pretty cool to me and I didn't have any reason not to like him. Of course his political beliefs were completey opposite from mine, but so are half the country's- no reason not to like someone. Now, I get anxiety seeing his stupid ugly face on TV and have to turn the channel. This man is not what he seems- You must look at his actions and what he really stands for! Unfortunately, since this is now a nearly godless nation and the devil and Oprah are working for him, he will probably be elected.

You are probably rolling your eyes and wondering what this is all about and why he is so evil... this is about Partial Birth Abortion- I won't go into it cause I can't but this is killing a healthy, full term baby while he/she is being born. If you aren't outraged that this even exists or if you aren't exactly sure what this is about, I suggest you get educated and google it (without images if possible) It is worse than you can imagine. Even if you believe that killing (conventionally I guess) an unborn child is harmless because of a woman's 'right' (pains me to say that), what you couldn't possibly imagine people doing in your wildest dreams is a reality today.

SO, drum roll please...

Not only is Obama pro-choice (I'm not even going to get into that discussion) but he is passionately and is AGGRESSIVELY ACTIVE on abortion rights and making partial birth abortion legal again. Aggressively ACTIVE!!!! ACTIVE. This is the worst evil imaginable, the most horrifying it gets. Sure he is pre-occupied with other things right now, BUT he has vowed and if elected, you can sit and watch this happen.

But don't take my word for it. Read for yourself.

I have highlighted my words in purple so you can tell what is what.

This website, click here, is directly from pro-choice.org... they are elated to have leaders on their side and have quoted him. Please take note that the last quote about the Supreme Court's decision is regarding the Partial Birth Abortion Ban Act... He is outspoken against it..... what a winner!

************************************************************************************ This is an article that I think is pretty good. Make sure you read the second page as well... not that long. This is especially important cause it outlines his exact positions and when he ruled for what in the Senate. You can google them individually if you want.


This is his quote regarding PBA again on his website... to see the many comments by his disgusted x-followers, you have to log in real quick. I had to to post my own comment.. you can read it at the bottom... ooh, I am good. I also commented this in orange as a reply to someone else's:

Obama and I do disagree on this. Something about the violence required to do this bothers me.But he has my vote because I know this is simply a wedge issue that the other side likes to use and discount issues I consider much more important because it affects even more lives in my opinion and has greater effect on humanity.
The other side does not want to deal with these issues: unjust wars and evil political machinations, poverty, misuse of power, destruction of the environment.
So they stick to the abortion issue. But for me, it's just one issue and I've had enough discussions with people to know that many who support abortion rights do not support abortion.They just believe that those who are against it shouldn't be able to impose on the rest of us.
I personally would never do it or be part of it unless under extremely rare conditions.
So, having said that, I would say that abortion is not a make or break issue for me. No single issue is. I judge Obama based on the totality of his postions and I'm impressed and fully support him more than any other candidate so far.

By Taylor from Koloa, HI Today at 6:08 pm EDT

Wow... you are an idiot. Anyone who thinks a man who is passionately working to make the gruesome killing of full term babies legal on the stance it is for the 'women's rights!!??' is a decent human being and deserving of our votes because of other common grounds is clearly missing one too many screws.


This is good.. read.

Why Jesus would not vote for Barack Obama
Posted: July 19, 20061:00 am Eastern
By Jill Stanek© 2008 WorldNetDaily.com

In February 2004, U.S. Senate candidate Barack Obama's wife, Michelle, sent a fund-raising letter with the "alarming news" that "right-wing politicians" had passed a law stopping doctors from stabbing half-born babies in the neck with scissors, suctioning out their brains and crushing their skulls. Michelle called partial-birth abortion "a legitimate medical procedure," and wouldn't supporters please pay $150 to attend a luncheon for her husband, who would fight against "cynical ploy[s]" to stop it? But that's not why Obama's opponent Alan Keyes said Jesus Christ wouldn't vote for him. Obama recalled Keyes' statement in a recent USA Today opinion piece but omitted his reasoning. I know his reasoning, because I was there. As a nurse at an Illinois hospital in 1999, I discovered babies were being aborted alive and shelved to die in soiled utility rooms. I discovered infanticide. Legislation was presented on the federal level and in various states called the Born Alive Infants Protection Act. It stated all live-born babies were guaranteed the same constitutional right to equal protection, whether or not they were wanted. BAIPA sailed through the U.S. Senate by unanimous vote. Even Sens. Clinton, Kennedy and Kerry agreed a mother's right to "choose" stopped at her baby's delivery. The bill also passed overwhelmingly in the House. NARAL went neutral on it. Abortion enthusiasts publicly agreed that fighting BAIPA would appear extreme. President Bush signed BAIPA into law in 2002.

But in Illinois, the state version of BAIPA repeatedly failed, thanks in large part to then-state Sen. Barack Obama. It only passed in 2005, after Obama left. I testified in 2001 and 2002 before a committee of which Obama was a member. Obama articulately worried that legislation protecting live aborted babies might infringe on women's rights or abortionists' rights. Obama's clinical discourse, his lack of mercy, shocked me. I was naive back then. Obama voted against the measure, twice. It ultimately failed. In 2003, as chairman of the next Senate committee to which BAIPA was sent, Obama stopped it from even getting a hearing, shelving it to die much like babies were still being shelved to die in Illinois hospitals and abortion clinics. (As chair of that same committee, Obama once abruptly ended a hearing early, right before Scott and Janet Willis, the parents of six children killed as a result of Illinois' drivers licenses for bribes scandal, were to testify in favor of Choose Life license plate legislation. I was there for that one, too. The Willises had traveled three hours. Reporters filled the room. Obama stalled. He later killed the bill when no one was around.) So, the reason Keyes said Jesus Christ wouldn't vote for Barack Obama was because of Obama's fanatical support of abortion to the point of condoning infanticide. I have framed on my wall a Chicago Sun-Times cartoon published during the campaign. Obama is holding a sign with "LIVE BIRTH ABORTION" on it. God is reaching down from heaven to a baby in front of Obama, and the baby is reaching up to God. Obama is yelling at God, "You keep out of this!"

In his USA Today opinion piece, Obama admitted being "nagged" by the Jesus-wouldn't-vote-for-him statement, but only because he wished he'd given a different comeback. Obama insinuated opposition to abortion is based only on religion, lecturing pro-lifers like me to "explain why abortion violates some principle that is accessible to people of all faiths, including those with no faith at all." I don't recall mentioning religion when I testified against live-birth abortion. I only recall describing a live aborted baby I held in a hospital soiled utility room until he died, and a live aborted baby who was accidentally thrown into the trash. Neither do I recall religion being brought into the partial-birth abortion ban debate. I recall comparisons made to U.S. laws ensuring animals being killed are treated humanely. I recall testimony that late-term babies feel excruciating pain while being aborted. Obama stated pro-life proposals must be "amenable to reason." OK, Sen. Obama, let's reason. Explain why you support abortion for whatever rationale, at whatever gestation, by whatever means. Explain why you support infanticide, if banning it might interfere with abortion. Then, since you brought it up, explain how, despite all that, you
think Jesus should vote for you, either now or in the hereafter, particularly given His statement,

"It would be better to be thrown into the sea with a large millstone tied around the neck than to face the punishment in store for harming one of these little ones."

Jill Stanek fought to stop "live-birth abortion" after witnessing one as a registered nurse at Christ Hospital in Oak Lawn, Ill. In 2002, President Bush asked Jill to attend his signing of the Born Alive Infants Protection Act. In January 2003, World Magazine named Jill one of the 30 most prominent pro-life leaders of the past 30 years. To learn more, visit Jill's blog, Pro-life Pulse.


This is his wife's letter to followers. This is disgusting!

Obama's fundraising letter using the "so-called" partial birth abortion ban How liberal is Barack Obama? His wife used the ban on partial birth abortion (sucking the brains out of half-delivered babies) as a scare tactic and fundraising ploy:From: email-list@obamaforillinois.comSent: Tuesday, February 17, 2004 7:41 AMSubject: A Message from Michelle ObamaFebruary 17, 2004

Dear Friends:We have all been concerned lately with the rise of conservatism in this country, especially as it relates to women. You?ve read the alarming news about the Justice Department?s request for hospitals to turn over the private medical records of dozens of patients. This cynical ploy is designed to intimidate a group of physicians and force them to drop their lawsuit seeking to have the so-called partial birth abortion ban ruled unconstitutional.The fact remains, with no provision to protect the health of the mother, this ban on a legitimate medical procedure is clearly unconstitutional and must be overturned. Attorney General Ashcroft and president bush believe so zealously in their cause that the privacy rights of patients are under assault. They believe we have no federal right to privacy when it concerns our medical histories.On March 16th, we have a chance to nominate a candidate who will be tireless in the fight to protect women. It isn?t simply about the right to choose, or privacy rights. It is about pay equity, about ending domestic violence, promoting health care around the world, and letting doctors decide treatment options, not federal judges.It goes without saying that we must win back the U.S. Senate and hold our ground as a check against the right-wing executive branch. Illinois will be a key battleground and your vote is critical.My husband has stood up for women time and again, and I am proud of his record. He understands that casting a vote on the floor of the Senate takes greater courage than issuing a position paper. Oftentimes, a well intentioned law is in fact a flawed law. That?s why it is critical we nominate someone who has faced these tough choices. That?s why nominating an experienced legislator is so important in this race. It takes courage to cast a vote.Who among the Democrats running has a proven record? Who among the candidates running for the Senate in Illinois has stood up to the right wing politicians and voted against their agenda? Who can we count on to keep the Bush/Ashcroft team from appointing the Supreme Court Justice that will vote against Roe v. Wade?Please join me in sending a message of unity and strength by attending the Women for Obama Luncheon on February 23rd at the Hyatt Regency. Lunch costs $150 and includes remarks from our friends the Reverend Willie Barrow and Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky. To reserve your seat please call the campaign office headquarters at 312-427-6400 or log on to the Obama for Illinois Website.I urge you to stand with me and support my husband at this event. You know the stakes have never been higher and we can?t depend on untested amateurs and administrators in this fight. Barack is a fighter and he will be a champion we can be proud of.

Thanks you so much for all of your support.

Michelle Obama


This is just a news article about different opinions from politicians and other leaders. I highlighted Obama's in Orange so you can find it. I can't express to you the outrage I feel when I read the statements from the opposers of this bill. I'm sorry! how often does a Doctor have to take a saw to full term baby's head and kill them in order to save a woman??? Sorry.. this is used as an abortion option plain and simple. When you make even the scariest of things legal, you can bet there will be 9 balls out there who will opt for it.

Supreme Court's Decision to Uphold Partial Birth Abortion Ban Gives Bush VictoryWednesday,

April 18, 2007 By Melissa Drosjack

The Supreme Court handed a victory to the Bush administration and abortion opponents on Wednesday with its decision to uphold a 2003 federal law that bans partial birth abortions.The decision enforces the law that prohibits the procedure of partially extracting a fetus 20 weeks or older intact from a woman's uterus and then crushing or cutting its skull before it is fully delivered."This is the most significant upholding of any restriction on abortion ever by the Supreme Court," said Stephen Wermiel, who teaches constitutional law at American University.Click here to read the Supreme Court's ruling.President Bush's appointment of Chief Justice John Roberts and Justice Samuel Alito gave the bench a more conservative leaning and helped push through the 5-4 ruling on the Partial Birth Abortion Ban Act, law experts say. Roberts and Alito sided with the majority opinion.(Story continues below)StoriesSupreme Court Upholds Partial Birth Abortion Ban Act Supreme Court to Take on Second Abortion Case Court Ruling The ruling could also ignite abortion opponents to push for more. States now might feel they have a positive reception by the Supreme Court to ban or restrict other abortion procedures since Wednesday's decision signals a possible shift in the direction of the court on the issue, said Paul Rothstein, a professor at Georgetown University Law Center and an expert on the Supreme Court."It indicates that the new conservative members of the court have had their influence and it will stimulate states to feel that they have a favorable ear on the Supreme Court if they want to regulate abortions more and ban certain kinds of abortions," Rothstein said."It will encourage states to attempt to regulate or ban [abortion] and test out the Supreme Court to see how far it is willing to go," he added.Twenty-six states have bans on partial birth abortions that apply throughout pregnancy, according to the Guttmacher Institute. The court's decision to uphold the federal law creates a nationwide ban."This basically makes it a federal crime, effective immediately," Wermiel said.The president hailed the decision in a statement released shortly after the ruling."The Supreme Court's decision is an affirmation of the progress we have made in the past six years in protecting human dignity and upholding the sanctity of life," Bush said. "We will continue to work for the day when every child is welcomed in life and protected in law."Wednesday's decision not only affects the abortion debate, it also demonstrates the importance of the president's ability to appoint justices to the Supreme Court, said Bill Kristol, editor of The Weekly Standard and a FOX News political contributor."I think politically, this reminds everyone of how important Supreme Court appointments are. The next president, of course, will have one or two almost certainly," Kristol said.Out on the campaign trail, a few Republican 2008 White House hopefuls were quick to declare their support for the court's decision."Today, our nation's highest court reaffirmed the value of life in America by upholding a ban on a practice that offends basic human decency. This decision represents a step forward in protecting the weakest and most innocent among us," former Mass. Gov. Mitt Romney said in a statement.Former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani also said he agreed with the decision.But abortion rights supporters did not see the decision as a victory."I am extremely concerned that this ruling will embolden state legislatures to enact further measures to restrict a woman's right to choose, and that the conservative Supreme Court justices will look for other opportunities to erode Roe v. Wade, which is established federal law and a matter of equal rights for women," said 2008 Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama."Today's partisan decision by the Supreme Court is a frightening and dangerous step towards criminalizing the very constitutional freedoms that previous courts have upheld for generations," said Rep. Lynn Woolsey, D-Calif., in a statement. "The decision does not reflect the best interest of a woman's health and safety, said Planned Parenthood Federation of America Deputy Director of Litigation and Law Eve Gartner."Today the court took away an important option for doctors who seek to provide the best and safest care to their patients. This ruling tells women that politicians, not doctors, will make their health care decisions for them," Gartner said in a statement."Today's decision is alarming," Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg wrote in the court's dissenting opinion.There could be future lawsuits from claims that the federal law interferes with their right to choose an abortion, Wermiel said."The court is saying there is nothing wrong with this law as a general matter. If it interferes, [plaintiffs] can bring a lawsuit somewhere down the road," he said.Wermiel added that the ruling also demonstrates the strict constructionist outlook of the court's newest leader."I think it's [Roberts'] way of narrowing the role of the court. The court ought to be issuing more limited decisions when the court is considering the validity of legislation," Wermiel said.This decision marks the first time for the court to ban a specific procedure in abortion, which Bush said in 2003 causes a "violent end" to life.

"For years, a terrible form of violence has been directed against children who are inches from birth, while the law looked the other way. Today, at last, the American people and our government have confronted the violence and come to the defense of the innocent child," Bush said at the bill's signing.

I actually believe that most of the weight of this abomination in the end will lie on the shoulders of the leaders and politicians that made it possible. If deep down they think they are exempt from accountability as it was not something they personally did, they have another thing coming to them.
I don't have to hope he goes to hell.. but may he feel the pain of every helpless baby being torn apart and skulls being drilled into... seeing it, being involved and feeling it over and over and over again.
AND if this man is made President, and you knew this information prior to supporting him, I fear this will be on your conscience as well.... as we sit by and watch countless babies being killed in this gruesome way- all because of this man!
If you are one that would rather see this happen than to see McCain being in office because you are eating Obama's bull shit "Bush's third term" propoganda- seriously, that is sad and I don't even know what to think. All I can say is do your research. The only thing common between the two is his support of the war. Cause, imagine this for a second, he DOESN'T want to give into terrorists... wow, crazy thought. We all know that not only would the Iraqi streets be open wide for more terror on women and children (remember Afghanistan with the taliban?) but it would be the home base for these groups against the free world. Period. They have even said that!! Liberals will be the end of us.
Nobody likes war! No One! It's horrible, but there has never a time in the history of the homosapiens when war did not exist. It is a part of mankind- it will NEVER not exist. Idiots.
Democrats stand for the weakest way. Remember that... people are tired of war or just lost in space (hippies and other liberals) and the easiest way to appease the people is to get out. I'm going to write a blog on this.

I hope this has opened someone's eyes, as it did my Mother...

This is real! This is serious! And this will happen very soon when this man is in office if the American people just sit comfy in there homes and look the other way.

Do not be fooled by this man. He is a wolf in sheep's clothing.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Polygi Women

Here's what I want to do when I see these polygamists (in order of urgency):

1. Slap them... no more whining!
2. Mess up their hair... real bad.
3. Pluck their eyebrows... hold it- HOLD IT!
4. Leave them with a wonderbra....


Create a Birth Plan

This is great... very easy. You might need to sign in. Just click on your preferences and print out. Then go over it with your Doctor to make sure both you and he/she are aware of what you want and what you have the freedom to do in the facility. This just might make you realize that your chosen facility may not be right for your family. That's okay!

Create my Birth Plan!

If this is your first time having a baby, please know now not to be worried about seeming pushy and demanding. TRUST ME! If you go in to deliver unprepared- YOU will be the one bullied around and your needs and preferences will be overlooked.

Take my word for it and don't let it happen to you. This is your baby and your special moment.

Fertility Problems?

It might be partly due to your diet... Read this article from a Newsweek issue that came out in December, 2007. I'm not saying this is a miracle fix or that it will work for you- all I'm saying is that I adjusted my diet in every way to conform to their suggestions and was pregnant (after 4 years of trying!) 30 days later. I at least suggest reading it.
It is 9 pages long so print it out... worth reading every sentence. OR, feel free to buy the book to get the whole shabang (but I felt that the article was enough):
I know how frustrating it can be to see that same damn negative sign over and over again- I would've done anything and the least I could do was change my diet around a bit...
All I can say is:
Stay positive no matter what! (I know that is hard when you are disappointed)
Eat plenty
Stay hydrated
.... and have fun trying!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Joey's Bike Story

January, 2005
When ambition meets independence in a 5 year old, it's not always good news for the parents. For anyone who knows Joey well, this will not surprise you:

When we got Joey's first big-boy (racing/dirt) bike last year, we were really excited when he was riding on his own the second day (after his training bike a few times). Since then, he's gotten a little too comfortable with his riding.

Last night, I was on my way out the door to go jogging on the beach, when I saw Joey with his helmet on and tying his shoes. He said excitedly, "I'm going to the store to get some candy!" "oh, good for you" I said, happy for him to go with his Dad, then headed out. By the way, he knows he's not allowed to go past the end of the driveway on his bike.

When I returned, Joe told me after I left, he didn't see Joey in the house and decided to look outside to see if he was with me. He kind of knew I didn't take him anywhere, so he decided to look down the street. He walked to the end and saw his little bike with his helmet on top outside of the corner grocery store- He then knew he wasn't with me. He rushed inside, and there he was chatting with some customers, waiting in line to pay for the 2 candy bars in his hands! Joe was relieved and scared at the same time at his level of comfort away from home.

Needless to say, we reminded Joey that he is not 12! He is 5! so start acting like it!.... he shrugged his shoulders and said, "okay" without concern. What do you do??

When a child hands a cashier $30 to pay for 2 candy bars, it's kind of an indication he is entirely too young to be there on his own! ha ha
Update: A few months ago, I was saying how I would like some bananas for a shake. Joey says, "Mom, don't worry, I will get you some bananas!" I thought, how cute. I'm not sure why these things don't register with me yet. I went about my business and just a few minutes later noticed Joey was not in the house. I walk to the end of the driveway hoping he learned his lesson from last time... and what do I see? Joey's singing and riding back to the driveway with a bunch of bananas in a bag hanging from his handle bars! EEK! I can't keep up with this kid.


I was talking to Joe about Beverly last night.. and Joey heard the word Grandma and die... he goes:

" I wish my great great great great great great Grandma was still here :(................................

to give me MONEY! Dude I'm running out of MONEY!"just like that..... where does he come up with this???


When my mom was here, after spending the first full day with him.. when we got home, she goes "okay, he's gone from calling me Grandma to Jenny to Dude in one day." I kid you not.

he is a funny kid. he calls me dude every day.

DUI Stop- Hilarious

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

My Little Litigator

I received a letter from Joey's teacher telling me of an incident in the cafeteria with another student. Apparently Joey asked for a friend to share his juice at which he refused. Joey seemed to be pretty upset by this and so decided to smash the kid's juice box and pour it in his lap. Hmm... I was pretty taken back. I went to talk to the teacher about this and called his dad. Joe told me that when he got home we would sit him down and have a talk. Joe and I had it down... this would be our first time to formally reprimand him. We discussed how we would approach it, what we would say and what his punishment would be.

Boy we're we in for a treat!

Joe got home and we started off as planned. However, as soon as we uttered what happened without question the tables were quickly turned as we found ourselves struggling to stay in control of this disciplinary action that turned into a conversation into a debate. It kinda went like this: (mind you this is a 5 year old!)

Parents: Joey, we were told by your teacher that you smashed a kid's drink and poured it in his lap.

Joey: Who saw it?

P: It doesn't matter who saw it, the point is it happened and that can't be tolerated.

J: But how do you know it happened? WHO? Who saw it???

P: (I didn't know) The lunchlady.

J: That's impossible. The lunchlady is at the end of the cafeteria and could not have possibly seen us from over there. (he goes into explain how many rows of lunch tables there are and where she stands.) So who saw it?

P: It doesn't matter, it could've been anyone walking by.. One of the school guards. We aren't discussing IF you did it. We know it happened and that can't happen again.

J: But HOW do you know? There are no guards walking around in the cafeteria....

He goes on talking and talking emphatically and busts out with this entire presentation of exactly what happened with who said what, how they were seated at the table and how the tables are arranged, complete with exhibits and how the juice "tipped" over onto his lap- you name it! My head was spinning... By this time Joe started to believe him.. (We had a debate about that later) and by the time it was finally over, we were so mentally exhausted, we just wanted to get out of the conversation. I don't even think he was punished!

I don't think I know a kid like this... I don't think we understand what we are in for. All I know is that he is smarter and faster than me, I can't keep up with him and if anyone thought I was argumentative, please try getting into a debate with my son!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Eyes in the Back of My Head

I have always told Joey that I always know what is going on... this must be instilled in him at a young age so he doesn't think he can get away with things. I told him I have eyes in the back of my head and am all knowing when it pertains to him... haha. This has never sat comfortably with him and often asks how this is possible.. "it's just what moms do" I say. I'm going to be a crazy Mom when my kids are teens.

The other day I restricted him to his room to clean it before he can play outside. After some time of silence, I finally went in his room and saw he was missing. He must have sneeked out of the side door... When I finally found him he told me that he sneeked out and played with his guys in the yard and needed to get them from outside...
Then turned around and emphatically said with his little attitude,

haha... he cracks me up!

No More Spelling out loud

Joe and I have gotten away with spelling out words to eachother in front of Joey we don't want him to hear for quite some time.... No more.

Lately as he becomes a stronger and stronger reader, we've had to spell out half the word and hope he doesn't get it, or spell it out fast and low... We were in the car the other day discussing parties and raising teens. I randomly asked Joe what his mom thought about him (and I spelled this out real fast and low) d-r-i-n-k-i-n-g... Immedeiately, Joey in the back shreiked "Drinking!!? Dad you were drinking!!??"

UGH! we can't get anything past him! and I mean anything... then when we lie and tell him that's not what we meant, it doesn't matter what it is about, he will not believe us. He hates to be patronized and is NEVER naive.

Cutest Joey Stories

3.5 yrs.
Joey- "I hate girls.. they're stupid."
Mom- "Yeah, well girls rule and boys drool, don't you know."
Joey- "what?" Mom- "Girls rule and boys drool... it's common knowledge."
Joey, after some thought- "yeah, well boys Rock n Roll and girls are stinky" haha!

3.5 yrs.
I took Joey to visit his Dad in Park City.. the day I left, Joe told him that they would be taking me to the airport.
Joey- "why?" Joe- "cause she's gonna go home to CA."
Joey, with a serious look on his face- "well, I'll get her!" Joe- "How are you gonna get to CA?"
Joey, with absolute conviciton- "well, I'll put on my spiderman suit and fly there with my spiderman webs" This is how a 3 year old gets things done in his head...
Then, when they drop me off, I tell him that I'm there to go home for a while... he gets quiet and withdrawn and folds his arms, looks down then says, "well I'll get you with my webs."... I didn't know whether to laugh or cry. I think I did a bit of both.
Then I guess later the next week he randomly mentioned me and said, "Im gonna put on my superman suit and fly to CA and get my mom!!!"
My hero!... what a little man.

3.5 yrs
I was visiting him up in Park City during his stay and I took him to Apline Park (the slopes in the winter) and we went on the Apline Slides... It's long and fast and fun.. and can be dangerous if you're not careful. Joey of course wasn't afraid at all. So there are like 2 pairs of 2 slides and you start at the same time as another person in your pair.. so you can compete if you want... anyway, I never said anything to Joey and we go hauling down this thing... I can tell the girl going down was going fast as well and the feeling of competition sort of came over us... Of course we won but still I acted like nothing and didn't say anything.
When we stopped, Joey got out and put his hands on his hips and said, "SEE, I told you we would win!!" haha.. the girl just laughed. He is a natural competitor.

3.5 yrs
I went to pick him up from my Aunts.. they were walking back from the park. Joey had 2 flowers in his hand and gave one to me. I asked him if he was going to give the other to my Aunt, he went to then stopped himself... turned to me and took the one from my hand and gave it to her and gave the other to me. She looked down and noticed hers was withered and said, "oh, you give her the nice one and me the brown one, huh?" and Joey said with a very proud smile on his face, "yeah, cause she's my mom."
can you stand it? cause I can't.

4 yrs.
He loves this song called 'baseball cap' by Faithless.. it goes, "oh, smack, there goes my baseball cap. its gone gone gone gone gone, I can't get it back." anyway, Joey gets thinking about things more than the average Joe I would say. He is concerned about the baseball cap and how seems gone forever. He asks me where it went and I told him it flew away. where? he asks. just gone, I say. "well, howabout someone in a airballoon sees it as it flies by in the wind and catches it?! then its not gone, see."
I say, Yes, that sounds very logical- that's what happens to it. Joey is satisfied and sits back in his car seat with a smile.

3.5 yrs
His memory scares me.
We were eating at the Daily Grill the other day and I asked him if he wanted some of my soup. He asked me if it had a lot of vegetables in it. I told him there were a lot of tomatoes. He says, "well, actually a tomato isn't a vegetable it is a fruit" very matter of factly. I asked him who told him that, he said his Dad.. so I asked Joe how long ago he mentioned this.. he said he told him once over 4 months prior. like, that is crazy cause our minds forget information that isn't reinforced after 3.
We were in Riteaid the other day down the lotion isle and he randomly points to the Goldbond creams and says, well, that's for itches. I picked this up cause no one has ever used it on him in his life and they don't carry it at his school. I asked him where he learned it and he said TV. I couldn't believe it... Insane, think of all the information we are bombarded with all day with everything around us (ads and the internet, etc.) and to on que recall a specific piece of info from a random commercial.

3 yrs.
He wants to be a director.. he is pretty creative and he loves to take pics and set things up.. he even has his own camcorder. He was describing to my mom about one of his favorite books and saying how great it is... he was like, "yeah, it needs to be made into a movie." okay! I just think that is way advanced cause nobody gave him that idea.. he actually saw a book/story as a screenplay. He has big ideas.

3.5 yrs.
Joey is concerned with others... I told him that he should pray for others and be thankful for what he has as he is tremendously blessed, most others dont have the things he has. He wanted to know like what. I told him that a lot of children don't have food to eat, etc. He wanted to know where they sleep... he was very upset about this and will often randomly ask why. I try and answer as best I can but the answers aren't good enough for him. He really thinks about things a lot- never thinks of things lightly and brings it up on his own. I told him we will start to send money to some or one of these children ... he seemed happy about that.

4 yrs.
We were at my aunts the other night doing homework and Joey comes upstairs and shows me money she just gave him... 3 5s. Oh brother! Later before we left I asked her if she gave them to him and asked her not to do that. She said it was fine and she told me about it. She told him he could have 3 bills out of a BUNCH of 1s and a few 5s. So what does Joey do- he immediately separates the 1s from the 5s without hesitation and takes 3 5s!
LOL.. I told her never to underestimate him.. he is on top of EVERYTHING
Joey and I have been argueing over the lyrics to that 'baseball cap' song for about 1.5 years! It says, "oh, smack...." and repeats similar lines throughout the song. I thought they said "oh, smack" throughout the song and Joey thinks the guy in the beginning says "oh, smack" and the girl in the rest of the song says, "oh, smash." I'm like oh, brother, Joey just listen to Mommy I think I know... they wouldn't change that word. Finally the other day I said, "enough. I'm gonna go into work today and check the lyrics online and be done with it"
So after I picked him up from school, I had to admit to him he was right this whole time. See Mom, I told you!
The funny thing about Joey is he has this crazy memory.. he has like memorized my entire ipod and sings all the words... even to complicated songs I have been listening to for years and haven't gotten them down! He even remembers all these lines and songs to movies and always knows what's going on... he freaks me out sometimes.


I love my little pookum! Can you stand it???

Heidi Heid Heids, Me and Joey- What would I do without her!

Joe's Brother, Jorge. So glad he could make it :)

View more pics here.

So I was married... again on September 7th, this time in the year 2007. It was a beautiful day, simple and serene with only my best friend, Heidi, my Grandparents and Brother in Law, Jorge- and of course our beautiful son, Joey!

I will never forget. We were married on the cliff rock over the South Shore of Poipu, Kauai. The beach is called Shipwreck's and it is at the Hyatt... beautiful property! I came up with my Grandpa escorting me along the cliff as the sun was just beginning to set. The sax musician was playing our request, "At Last"... I couldn't have asked for a nicer- everything! It came together beautifully. Our bishop, Bishop Barino married us in a short and touching ceremony. I cried, and the music continued afterwards.

We ate at the Tidalwaves Restaurant on the Hyatt property. It is surrounded by a huge Koi pond just next to the ocean. The fish are swimming all around you and the embiance is unbeatable. We stayed that night in a suite with an ocean view and watched fireworks just over the ocean in front of us! It was a remarkable time...