Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Where do babies come from?
One thing you have to understand about Joey is he can tell when you aren't giving him the facts and he is scary inquisitive! As you can tell, I don't have any other options but to be honest. Besides, I don't believe in the alternative.
LUCKILY, he has not made the connection as to HOW it all happens in the first place.. haha!! Last night was the first time he asked. I think my heart stopped and I just laid there frozen, not knowing what to say. "Mom, how does the baby get inside the mom in the beginning?"
Ummmm.... finally I thought, "From the Dad." Scared out of my mind what would come next he goes...
"OH Yeah, the sperm!"
"Right." I said...
I can breathe!... he still didn't make the connection and to avoid the chance of him asking, I quickly changed the subject.
So far it has been diverted, but for the time being I will get educated as to what a child should know and how they should be told.
Whew! but his reply cracks me up.... too much!
BUT, there was the penis- there was no escaping it! He kept flashing us.. it was like he was trying to say something.
His name is Jed Maxime Prado. Jed means 'God's Beloved' and Maxime (a french boy's name) is pronounced 'Mahcseem'- but Joe says "Maxim-ae"... I don't mind either way.
Here's his profile pics: The 2nd one looks as if he's about to suck his thumb. So cute! One of these pics was taken right before he scratched his face! It was amazing to see how animated they are so young.
This is the best one of him flasing us! LOOK at his butt cheeks! SO cute!!!... then again, I am the Mom.
"And here it is again Mom, just in case you didn't see the first five times!"
This one you can't see as clearly- it looks like an arrow pointing to the right! This cracks me up.
Wow... was I surprised! I am so happy for my little guy though, and glad Joey has a little brother to look up to him.
Joey is so sweet... everytime he sees me or passes by, he comes up and lifts up my shirt and kisses the baby.. "Hello Baby Brother!- my little baby brother in the womb." and kisses him all over... it's so cute!
This guy is nuts... he wouldn't sit still for a second! We were lucky to get those pics of his profile. At one point, we went to look at his face and he had his fists up by his head and started punching the sac like it was a punching bag- like crazy, over and over! His little face was squished while he was doing it as if he was frustrated... it was the funniest thing. He seems to be like, "GET ME OUT! I'm DONE!!!" He's a lot like Joey that way.I'm pregnant!

Except for the frequent bathroom trips and sore and growing chest, I didn't have any symptoms to speak of...
I was 6 weeks at the time and my due date is October 15... Joey's Birthday is October 13th! I wonder how close they are going to be... funny.
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Sing a long
It goes a little something like this:
"Heeee's myyyy little schnookum woo, little schnookum poo, little schnookum woo woo woo woo bear.
Heeee's myyyy little pookum poo, little pookum woo, little schnookie woo, poo poo poo bear.
Heeee's just a schnookuuuuuum, he's a poookuuuuuuuum, he's just a little little little little wookuuuuum. He's my little guy... the littlest guy in the wide world.
The wiiide woooooooorld...." and then I change it up a bit.. mm,k?
it's late.
Obama Fights for Partial Birth Abortion Updated

The other side does not want to deal with these issues: unjust wars and evil political machinations, poverty, misuse of power, destruction of the environment.
So they stick to the abortion issue. But for me, it's just one issue and I've had enough discussions with people to know that many who support abortion rights do not support abortion.They just believe that those who are against it shouldn't be able to impose on the rest of us.
I personally would never do it or be part of it unless under extremely rare conditions.
So, having said that, I would say that abortion is not a make or break issue for me. No single issue is. I judge Obama based on the totality of his postions and I'm impressed and fully support him more than any other candidate so far.
Posted: July 19, 20061:00 am Eastern
By Jill Stanek© 2008 WorldNetDaily.com
In his USA Today opinion piece, Obama admitted being "nagged" by the Jesus-wouldn't-vote-for-him statement, but only because he wished he'd given a different comeback. Obama insinuated opposition to abortion is based only on religion, lecturing pro-lifers like me to "explain why abortion violates some principle that is accessible to people of all faiths, including those with no faith at all." I don't recall mentioning religion when I testified against live-birth abortion. I only recall describing a live aborted baby I held in a hospital soiled utility room until he died, and a live aborted baby who was accidentally thrown into the trash. Neither do I recall religion being brought into the partial-birth abortion ban debate. I recall comparisons made to U.S. laws ensuring animals being killed are treated humanely. I recall testimony that late-term babies feel excruciating pain while being aborted. Obama stated pro-life proposals must be "amenable to reason." OK, Sen. Obama, let's reason. Explain why you support abortion for whatever rationale, at whatever gestation, by whatever means. Explain why you support infanticide, if banning it might interfere with abortion. Then, since you brought it up, explain how, despite all that, you
Jill Stanek fought to stop "live-birth abortion" after witnessing one as a registered nurse at Christ Hospital in Oak Lawn, Ill. In 2002, President Bush asked Jill to attend his signing of the Born Alive Infants Protection Act. In January 2003, World Magazine named Jill one of the 30 most prominent pro-life leaders of the past 30 years. To learn more, visit Jill's blog, Pro-life Pulse.
Friday, May 16, 2008
Polygi Women
Create a Birth Plan
Create my Birth Plan!
If this is your first time having a baby, please know now not to be worried about seeming pushy and demanding. TRUST ME! If you go in to deliver unprepared- YOU will be the one bullied around and your needs and preferences will be overlooked.
Take my word for it and don't let it happen to you. This is your baby and your special moment.
Fertility Problems?
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Joey's Bike Story

When we got Joey's first big-boy (racing/dirt) bike last year, we were really excited when he was riding on his own the second day (after his training bike a few times). Since then, he's gotten a little too comfortable with his riding.
Last night, I was on my way out the door to go jogging on the beach, when I saw Joey with his helmet on and tying his shoes. He said excitedly, "I'm going to the store to get some candy!" "oh, good for you" I said, happy for him to go with his Dad, then headed out. By the way, he knows he's not allowed to go past the end of the driveway on his bike.
When I returned, Joe told me after I left, he didn't see Joey in the house and decided to look outside to see if he was with me. He kind of knew I didn't take him anywhere, so he decided to look down the street. He walked to the end and saw his little bike with his helmet on top outside of the corner grocery store- He then knew he wasn't with me. He rushed inside, and there he was chatting with some customers, waiting in line to pay for the 2 candy bars in his hands! Joe was relieved and scared at the same time at his level of comfort away from home.
Needless to say, we reminded Joey that he is not 12! He is 5! so start acting like it!.... he shrugged his shoulders and said, "okay" without concern. What do you do??
When a child hands a cashier $30 to pay for 2 candy bars, it's kind of an indication he is entirely too young to be there on his own! ha ha

" I wish my great great great great great great Grandma was still here :(................................
to give me MONEY! Dude I'm running out of MONEY!"just like that..... where does he come up with this???
When my mom was here, after spending the first full day with him.. when we got home, she goes "okay, he's gone from calling me Grandma to Jenny to Dude in one day." I kid you not.
he is a funny kid. he calls me dude every day.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
My Little Litigator

Joe got home and we started off as planned. However, as soon as we uttered what happened without question the tables were quickly turned as we found ourselves struggling to stay in control of this disciplinary action that turned into a conversation into a debate. It kinda went like this: (mind you this is a 5 year old!)
Parents: Joey, we were told by your teacher that you smashed a kid's drink and poured it in his lap.
Joey: Who saw it?
P: It doesn't matter who saw it, the point is it happened and that can't be tolerated.
J: But how do you know it happened? WHO? Who saw it???
P: (I didn't know) The lunchlady.
J: That's impossible. The lunchlady is at the end of the cafeteria and could not have possibly seen us from over there. (he goes into explain how many rows of lunch tables there are and where she stands.) So who saw it?
P: It doesn't matter, it could've been anyone walking by.. One of the school guards. We aren't discussing IF you did it. We know it happened and that can't happen again.
J: But HOW do you know? There are no guards walking around in the cafeteria....
He goes on talking and talking emphatically and busts out with this entire presentation of exactly what happened with who said what, how they were seated at the table and how the tables are arranged, complete with exhibits and how the juice "tipped" over onto his lap- you name it! My head was spinning... By this time Joe started to believe him.. (We had a debate about that later) and by the time it was finally over, we were so mentally exhausted, we just wanted to get out of the conversation. I don't even think he was punished!
I don't think I know a kid like this... I don't think we understand what we are in for. All I know is that he is smarter and faster than me, I can't keep up with him and if anyone thought I was argumentative, please try getting into a debate with my son!
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Eyes in the Back of My Head
The other day I restricted him to his room to clean it before he can play outside. After some time of silence, I finally went in his room and saw he was missing. He must have sneeked out of the side door... When I finally found him he told me that he sneeked out and played with his guys in the yard and needed to get them from outside...
Then turned around and emphatically said with his little attitude,
haha... he cracks me up!
No More Spelling out loud
Lately as he becomes a stronger and stronger reader, we've had to spell out half the word and hope he doesn't get it, or spell it out fast and low... We were in the car the other day discussing parties and raising teens. I randomly asked Joe what his mom thought about him (and I spelled this out real fast and low) d-r-i-n-k-i-n-g... Immedeiately, Joey in the back shreiked "Drinking!!? Dad you were drinking!!??"
UGH! we can't get anything past him! and I mean anything... then when we lie and tell him that's not what we meant, it doesn't matter what it is about, he will not believe us. He hates to be patronized and is NEVER naive.
Cutest Joey Stories

Joey- "I hate girls.. they're stupid."
Mom- "Yeah, well girls rule and boys drool, don't you know."
Joey- "what?" Mom- "Girls rule and boys drool... it's common knowledge."
Joey, after some thought- "yeah, well boys Rock n Roll and girls are stinky" haha!
I took Joey to visit his Dad in Park City.. the day I left, Joe told him that they would be taking me to the airport.
Joey- "why?" Joe- "cause she's gonna go home to CA."
Joey, with a serious look on his face- "well, I'll get her!" Joe- "How are you gonna get to CA?"
Joey, with absolute conviciton- "well, I'll put on my spiderman suit and fly there with my spiderman webs" This is how a 3 year old gets things done in his head...
Then, when they drop me off, I tell him that I'm there to go home for a while... he gets quiet and withdrawn and folds his arms, looks down then says, "well I'll get you with my webs."... I didn't know whether to laugh or cry. I think I did a bit of both.
Then I guess later the next week he randomly mentioned me and said, "Im gonna put on my superman suit and fly to CA and get my mom!!!"
My hero!... what a little man.
I was visiting him up in Park City during his stay and I took him to Apline Park (the slopes in the winter) and we went on the Apline Slides... It's long and fast and fun.. and can be dangerous if you're not careful. Joey of course wasn't afraid at all. So there are like 2 pairs of 2 slides and you start at the same time as another person in your pair.. so you can compete if you want... anyway, I never said anything to Joey and we go hauling down this thing... I can tell the girl going down was going fast as well and the feeling of competition sort of came over us... Of course we won but still I acted like nothing and didn't say anything.
When we stopped, Joey got out and put his hands on his hips and said, "SEE, I told you we would win!!" haha.. the girl just laughed. He is a natural competitor.
I went to pick him up from my Aunts.. they were walking back from the park. Joey had 2 flowers in his hand and gave one to me. I asked him if he was going to give the other to my Aunt, he went to then stopped himself... turned to me and took the one from my hand and gave it to her and gave the other to me. She looked down and noticed hers was withered and said, "oh, you give her the nice one and me the brown one, huh?" and Joey said with a very proud smile on his face, "yeah, cause she's my mom."
can you stand it? cause I can't.
He loves this song called 'baseball cap' by Faithless.. it goes, "oh, smack, there goes my baseball cap. its gone gone gone gone gone, I can't get it back." anyway, Joey gets thinking about things more than the average Joe I would say. He is concerned about the baseball cap and how seems gone forever. He asks me where it went and I told him it flew away. where? he asks. just gone, I say. "well, howabout someone in a airballoon sees it as it flies by in the wind and catches it?! then its not gone, see."
I say, Yes, that sounds very logical- that's what happens to it. Joey is satisfied and sits back in his car seat with a smile.
His memory scares me.
We were eating at the Daily Grill the other day and I asked him if he wanted some of my soup. He asked me if it had a lot of vegetables in it. I told him there were a lot of tomatoes. He says, "well, actually a tomato isn't a vegetable it is a fruit" very matter of factly. I asked him who told him that, he said his Dad.. so I asked Joe how long ago he mentioned this.. he said he told him once over 4 months prior. like, that is crazy cause our minds forget information that isn't reinforced after 3.
We were in Riteaid the other day down the lotion isle and he randomly points to the Goldbond creams and says, well, that's for itches. I picked this up cause no one has ever used it on him in his life and they don't carry it at his school. I asked him where he learned it and he said TV. I couldn't believe it... Insane, think of all the information we are bombarded with all day with everything around us (ads and the internet, etc.) and to on que recall a specific piece of info from a random commercial.
He wants to be a director.. he is pretty creative and he loves to take pics and set things up.. he even has his own camcorder. He was describing to my mom about one of his favorite books and saying how great it is... he was like, "yeah, it needs to be made into a movie." okay! I just think that is way advanced cause nobody gave him that idea.. he actually saw a book/story as a screenplay. He has big ideas.
Joey is concerned with others... I told him that he should pray for others and be thankful for what he has as he is tremendously blessed, most others dont have the things he has. He wanted to know like what. I told him that a lot of children don't have food to eat, etc. He wanted to know where they sleep... he was very upset about this and will often randomly ask why. I try and answer as best I can but the answers aren't good enough for him. He really thinks about things a lot- never thinks of things lightly and brings it up on his own. I told him we will start to send money to some or one of these children ... he seemed happy about that.
We were at my aunts the other night doing homework and Joey comes upstairs and shows me money she just gave him... 3 5s. Oh brother! Later before we left I asked her if she gave them to him and asked her not to do that. She said it was fine and she told me about it. She told him he could have 3 bills out of a BUNCH of 1s and a few 5s. So what does Joey do- he immediately separates the 1s from the 5s without hesitation and takes 3 5s!
LOL.. I told her never to underestimate him.. he is on top of EVERYTHING

So I was married... again on September 7th, this time in the year 2007. It was a beautiful day, simple and serene with only my best friend, Heidi, my Grandparents and Brother in Law, Jorge- and of course our beautiful son, Joey!