Please read the abortion category stories. These special spirits feel it all. They feel the physical pain of being killed, the rejection, the loneliness during their journey back to heaven from whence they came. Their stories are true. They are aware of your struggles and the path you took to get to that crossroads. But if you could see the bigger picture, that whatever burden in your life is making you feel that that choice is justified, you would see it is not a big deal in the big scheme of things. *please don't read the Burned and Healed story. It's too horrific.*
Here's a story about a father... he was a man who blindly lived his life serving nothing and no one but himself. His experience should be an eye-opener.
The majority of this problem would be taken care of if we kept sexual relations within marriage, as we have been commanded by God. If a person ignores/rejects this guidance, at least know pregnancy is a real consequence and be willing to accept it. The act of abortion severs the bond between mother and father and son or daughter forever. Also, know that you are not a friend cause you want to be "non-judgmental" and support your friend in their decision to abort. Would you give your friend a hug and drive them to the top of a mountain so they can jump off a cliff cause you want to be supportive for fear of seeming judgmental? That's how stupid it is. You also don't know what you are doing and do not possess the power to heal those souls affected by that decision. Be strong and always encourage your friends to do the right thing. I know it's uncomfortable. Also, you are not a hypocrite because you once made this mistake, you should however know better and strive to be that difference for someone else.

Here's one excerpt from the website:
Aborted by Another
Our first baby was born a year and a half after our wedding date. He was perfect and dear. We were so blessed to have him.
With my love for children, I had daily helped tend my own younger
siblings and by age twelve was an experienced “world-class” baby sitter.
So I was pretty much already familiar with the demands of motherhood
and the needs of children. It wasn’t long until I became aware that our
son, Jimmy, had an unusual need for constant reassurance and comfort.
Even when he was in my arms he seemed uncomfortable, searching for
something I felt unable to provide him. I had never been around a baby
that was so constantly upset.I took him to several doctors and homeopaths. They all confirmed that Jimmy was developing properly and getting the nourishment and love he needed. This gave me a degree of relief. I concluded that I just had a more sensitive baby than most. My husband and I were so grateful to have him in our home. We would do whatever it took to make him feel whole. Still, his difficulties persisted.
After Jimmy outgrew the infant stage, he had adjusted to being happy and pleasant with me and somewhat with my husband, but he would never go to another person. My husband and I were the only ones who could keep him calm. We never dared leave him with a babysitter, but occasionally we left him with extended family members whom he knew well. Still, he had horrible crying spells and his body shook the whole time. It was so upsetting to everyone concerned that we rarely left him.
We knew something was wrong so we constantly tried to reassure him:
- “I am so lucky to be your mommy.”
- “Thank you for coming to our home.”
- “Mommy and Daddy love having a little boy like you.”
Jimmy is age four and one half now. A few nights ago I tucked him in bed with hugs and kisses and closed his door, only to have him call after me to turn on the fan. I went back in and turned on the fan. He said, “Mommy, I thought you’d be mad at me.”
“No, Honey, I’m not mad at you. Is Mommy mad at you a lot or a little?
“Just a little… but Mommy, you’d never kill me ‘cause that would cut me.”
I didn’t know what to say. I reassured him Mommy would never hurt him because we love him so much and we are lucky to have him.
Last night Jimmy snuggled in bed with us as my husband and I talked of having another child. We are hoping for a girl who we have been calling Faith. Jimmy interjected, “I saw Faith last night in my dream. It’s okay for you to have her in your tummy.”
The way he said it brought tears of gratitude. I sensed that this little traumatized soul we love so much finally felt safe enough with us that it was now okay for his little sister to come to my womb.
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