We just signed up Joey for Karate yesterday. I could not believe how on top of it he was! Wow.. I was sitting there so giddy and proud of him. This was his first day ever. He was completely focused and serious and yelled out all the commands... just like a little soldier.

The Sensei came up to us afterward and praised him for being the best first lesson he has ever taught! He and the other instructor were so impressed. They said that most kids have a hard time answering questions on demand or are unsure of themselves and they'll just stare back... When he asked him if he was smart, Joey goes, "Yes, Sir!" and when he asked him if he could do something, Joey said, "I'll try!"

The Sensei said that he is going to go slow with him because he thinks he can be good. My little guy.
This reminds me... the other day, Joey was asking me about making money, then asked me what happens if you are an adult and you don't have money? I immediately told him, "Joey, you never have to worry about that. You will always be successful."
wonder why I didn't get this in my reader...good thing you sent the email. I LOVED KARATE when I was little and was the best in my class too! How fun for him - I bet he is so stoked!
I am cracking up.. how fricken FUN for him !!!!Hilarous... Get some CLOSE UP PHOTOS next time damn it... He is going to love Karate... he will totally be a blackbelt... and go on to do Brazillian Jujitsu...
I stumbled across your blog and almost fell of my chair when I saw the photos of your son, Joey. Your husband Joe and I go way back to high school days, and my goodness does your son look like his daddy! It looks like your family is growing and that things are going extremely well - congratulations! My husband and I had our first son a little over a year ago and I can only imagine the joy you must feel to be welcoming a second little man into your life! I am so very happy for you.
There's a lot to say -- too much --and I don't really know where to start or even how to blog (I'm seriously that old!) so I'm going to cut this short. Please let Joe know that Lisa says hello from San Diego. I'd love to meet you and Joey at some point - and to see Joe again (it's been over 10 years I believe). You or Joe can reach me at lpgomez@semprautilities.com if you have the inspiration. I hope you will, but also understand if you don't.
All my best to you and your family,
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