So I'm on foxnews just a bit ago and I caught on to the 4th of july theme post after newspost. and I started thinking.. oh, ya, cause I'm on fox, I bet if I go to CNN there won't be one damn thing on the 4th.. those godless morons hate this country! lo and behold I was right. Not ONE ding dong dang mention of it! so then I think to go on msnbc and wonder if they do mention the 4th it will be something lame. well lo and behold I was right again.. they did mention it, a post about the science of fireworks!!!! hahahahaahahahahaahaha are you kidding me? NO! So then I think, "I wouldn't be surprised if BBC has something on the 4th! I bet they do" so I go to them and bam! right on one of the scrolling top three stories is a post about the 4th with "Happy Birthday America." how sweet, they thought of us. Even another COUNTRY has taken the time to say something. I can't wait to see how LAME CNN's news is going to be on monday.
Is this a coincidence? I don't think so.. is it because I'm incredibly intuitive and always right?.. well yes, but besides that. The point is there is no surprise here... I don't know how evident it needs to be that these people hate this country. notice the common thread of liberals.. pro socialists, godless, think they are smarter than you, elitist, ashamed of our country/unpatriotic, pro baby killing, disillusioned by an idealistic fantasy of world peace (hahahaha morons are always duped by democrats' peace promises.. they are the only ones that fall for it! lmao the politicians know better) and the list goes on.
Now let's watch the godless socialist european countries implode... starting with Greece.. Spain is next. just a matter of time with us. Too long with peace creates the inevitable false sense of security/liberal mentality mentioned above, which eventually leads to revolution after everyone has nothing in an attempt to supply everyone with everything... and the cycle will continue. Been happening for thousands of years. Stand with God and you will naturally value correct ideals founded on correct principles. without him you are left to the wiles of man.