Thursday, May 26, 2011

May Day 2011

Last Wednesday was May Day at Koloa Elementary.. it was a fun day.. well it started out that way. Here's Joey's class admiring Sofia. Poor Jed is feeling left out :(

Here's the 3rd grade performance.

Here's the cuteness..

There's that crinkle nose again..

Jed had some fun times..

Stealing peoples' toys..

Then meltdown..

After meltdown....

after meltdown... here is insists the big boys play basketball with him and loses it when he can't understand why they won't..

Which eventually lead to a temper tantrum that had him flying across the grass, tripping and smacking his face on a curb, giving him this black eye and scrape. Ugh.. needless to say we had to leave early.. I had to take Joey out and bring him home.. he said it ruined his day :( bummer. That is how disruptive and incessent this kid can be. Oh well.. what are you going to do? poor guy.

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Cute pic with my kids

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LOVE my KitchenAid Pro Mixer!!!

Robin, I love this as much as you love your camera... LOL. I don't know how I survived without it.. I got it for Mother's Day and have used it already for so many things.. batches of cookies, cupcakes, candied walnuts, whipped butter, etc etc.. LOVE IT. This baby is solid.. Love any kitchen gadget.. Joe knows how to make me happy :)

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Sofia Grass Shoot 10 mos

Here's some pics of her in our yard I took yesterday..

Love her little "crinkle nose"... adorable.

hehe.. she's thinking, "I'm going to eat this leaf.. and no one is going to stop me."
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Saturday, May 14, 2011

Sofia My Love


She'll be 10 months old in 4 days.. words cannot describe how much I love this girl. I have never had a baby nor could I have imagined having a baby who loves me so much and so completely. My boys love me tons but Sofia is just a momma's girl... she crushes me every day. She wants to just be with me all the time. She sits there from across the room and looks at me with those beautiful eyes and smiles and starts crawling towards me. Whenever she's in my arms she's just content and happy with no ambitions... She only tolerates (and I say tolerates kindly) letting people hold her for only quick moments and just looks at me as if to say, "why?" LOL and pushes to be back in my arms.

I love dancing and singing to her and she loves it. She wakes in the morning and before she even opens her eyes she smiles... She's got such a great personality.. so sweet and lovely and proper. She's is so much more than I could have dreamed of.. just crazy about my love and her Daddy is too :) She loves when he gets home from work.. She looks at him smiling and so excitedly and immediately goes for him.. if he passes by without picking her up immediately she will look at me broken hearted.. she's so sweet. He picks her up and she's so happy and grabs his face. Aww little girls.

Sofia at 9 mos... just a sweetie pie.

Always camera ready :)

Here she is waking up in the morning... immediately smiles.

Then crawls towards me...

Then gets shy...

Love my baby girl.

And love my kids!!! Can't wait to have more :)