My little guy is such a good little missionary. He's always had this sort of natural conviction of God I noticed since he could talk.
When we were in CA this last time in May, we were out to dinner with my Aunt and her husband (catholic). He started to ask some questions about the church and tells us that my aunt doesn't really tell him anything. Joey was sitting next to him and picked up on our conversation. He steps right in without hesitation and says, "Well, this is the deal. Joseph Smith asked God which Church was true and God told him they were all wrong and that He would raise His true church on the through him. Then God had him translate the Book of Mormon so we would know it is true when you read it." I was just sitting across the table in shock! For one thing, we never told him that story so he picked it all up in primary. And another thing, I don't think 50% of members could articulate that story so quick and accurately. Well then!
The other day, we were sitting at the beach eating a snow-cone. Joey tells me how sad he was that his friend, Ethan, doesn't believe in God. I was like, "Really? That's sad." I wasn't really focused cause I was feeding the baby but then I heard, "..and then I went and prayed." I was like, come again? "what?" he said, "I prayed." "what did you pray for?" He said, "I prayed that Ethan and his family would believe in God."............. I wanted to die. This is my only desire for my children, that they will walk in faith, seek righteous desires, being mindful of God and find favor with Him. Of course I wouldn't want my kid to be a bum on the street or a crazy person, but there really isn't anything more I desire of my children. To me, it's the only thing that matters. If nothing else, I want for my boys to be servants of God. Of course, their life is theirs and there are no certainties. When we got to the car, I asked him why he prayed for them. He goes, "well, for one thing I wouldn't want to be his friend if he doesn't." LOL... I about died. I said, "Of course you should be friends with him, but do you want them to feel the love you have felt from God?" he goes, "yes, and I want them to one day be able to go to the temple." OH MY GOODNESS....
I know it seems we talk a lot about these things in the home but the truth is we don't. He comes up with these ideas on his own. Which is why it's so impressive to me. We say prayers and read our scriptures (not as consistently I'm afraid as we should) and other than church and his occasional question, that's about it.
One day when he was just about to turn 4 years old in CA, I picked him up from preschool and I noticed he was seemed very depressed holding up his face in his hand and looking out the window. I said, "what is the matter honey?" He said, "Jason doesn't believe in GOD." Very upset about it... "I was talking about God and he said that he doesn't believe in God. How can someone not believe in God?? How?" He gave me this unbelieving look on his face and was very distraught over it. I explained to him that he will meet many people throughout his life that won't share his beliefs and that's apart of this life. We all have the right to choose right from wrong, truth from lies. He understood but was still pretty upset about this new and crazy notion of 'not believing in God.' How sweet and innocent.
One day he wanted to talk about what you do in life.. what the plans are. This was at the same age. Very interesting I thought for a nearly 4 year old to contemplate these things. So I went over school, mission if he chooses, college, marriage, etc. So he went over it with me so he could understand it... he mentioned his Mission with a little excitement in his voice. I said, "Joey, if you faithfully go on your mission, Mom, Dad and God will be very proud of you." He thought about it for a moment and goes, "I'll Make you all proud." and looks out the window. I wanted to melt. Luckily he has a military-minded Dad who teaches him that sense of duty to God and Country which is necessary.
When we were sealed in the San Diego Temple... I'll never forget the reverence in which Joey came into the sealing room with the Baby. Dressed in white and so beautiful and quiet. He kneeled at the altar with a beyond his years countenance about him. It was as if he just 'knew'. I was absolutely in awe. I don't think I will ever see that again! haha... Later when Joe asked him what his favorite time in California was (including tons of fun things, Disneyland and seeing his cousins and friends) he said, "Well, the Temple." like.. .of course. Joe asked him what it was about the temple and he said, "The prayer that was said." I wanted to die when Joe told me this.. because I wasn't even paying attention to the prayer(not to say I wasn't paying attention or that the prayer was boring, but I was emotionally pretty overwhelmed) .. and here's this little 6 year old listening so attently.
Just so proud...