Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Why I'm always waiting for a call!

Oh, you have to click on the pics to see them.

This is why... I get so worried when he goes surfing! I hate the summer cause there's a south shore swell during the summer and that's where Joe works. He doesn't even have to go out of the way to get in danger... these waves are literally outside his office! No joke.

It also doesn't help that he had a realistic dream the other night that he died surfing! And also came home a week ago completely gashed on his side when a wave slammed him into a reef. He was lucky it wasn't his head! He actually rode a wave after that to get out of the ocean! And did it deter him? no, he was back in the water the next morning all bandaged up from his armpit to his butt! I can't tell you how many times I've had to open him up to tweeze out some reef particles (they KILL you until they come out) and bandaged him up. He has scars all over.

So far, I have to admit I'm a little relieved Joey is not ready to go out...
But, I'm glad he gets to do something he loves. Proud of you honey!