Saturday, August 15, 2009
Friday, July 31, 2009
My Little Missionary

My little guy is such a good little missionary. He's always had this sort of natural conviction of God I noticed since he could talk.
When we were in CA this last time in May, we were out to dinner with my Aunt and her husband (catholic). He started to ask some questions about the church and tells us that my aunt doesn't really tell him anything. Joey was sitting next to him and picked up on our conversation. He steps right in without hesitation and says, "Well, this is the deal. Joseph Smith asked God which Church was true and God told him they were all wrong and that He would raise His true church on the through him. Then God had him translate the Book of Mormon so we would know it is true when you read it." I was just sitting across the table in shock! For one thing, we never told him that story so he picked it all up in primary. And another thing, I don't think 50% of members could articulate that story so quick and accurately. Well then!
The other day, we were sitting at the beach eating a snow-cone. Joey tells me how sad he was that his friend, Ethan, doesn't believe in God. I was like, "Really? That's sad." I wasn't really focused cause I was feeding the baby but then I heard, "..and then I went and prayed." I was like, come again? "what?" he said, "I prayed." "what did you pray for?" He said, "I prayed that Ethan and his family would believe in God."............. I wanted to die. This is my only desire for my children, that they will walk in faith, seek righteous desires, being mindful of God and find favor with Him. Of course I wouldn't want my kid to be a bum on the street or a crazy person, but there really isn't anything more I desire of my children. To me, it's the only thing that matters. If nothing else, I want for my boys to be servants of God. Of course, their life is theirs and there are no certainties. When we got to the car, I asked him why he prayed for them. He goes, "well, for one thing I wouldn't want to be his friend if he doesn't." LOL... I about died. I said, "Of course you should be friends with him, but do you want them to feel the love you have felt from God?" he goes, "yes, and I want them to one day be able to go to the temple." OH MY GOODNESS....
I know it seems we talk a lot about these things in the home but the truth is we don't. He comes up with these ideas on his own. Which is why it's so impressive to me. We say prayers and read our scriptures (not as consistently I'm afraid as we should) and other than church and his occasional question, that's about it.
One day when he was just about to turn 4 years old in CA, I picked him up from preschool and I noticed he was seemed very depressed holding up his face in his hand and looking out the window. I said, "what is the matter honey?" He said, "Jason doesn't believe in GOD." Very upset about it... "I was talking about God and he said that he doesn't believe in God. How can someone not believe in God?? How?" He gave me this unbelieving look on his face and was very distraught over it. I explained to him that he will meet many people throughout his life that won't share his beliefs and that's apart of this life. We all have the right to choose right from wrong, truth from lies. He understood but was still pretty upset about this new and crazy notion of 'not believing in God.' How sweet and innocent.
One day he wanted to talk about what you do in life.. what the plans are. This was at the same age. Very interesting I thought for a nearly 4 year old to contemplate these things. So I went over school, mission if he chooses, college, marriage, etc. So he went over it with me so he could understand it... he mentioned his Mission with a little excitement in his voice. I said, "Joey, if you faithfully go on your mission, Mom, Dad and God will be very proud of you." He thought about it for a moment and goes, "I'll Make you all proud." and looks out the window. I wanted to melt. Luckily he has a military-minded Dad who teaches him that sense of duty to God and Country which is necessary.
When we were sealed in the San Diego Temple... I'll never forget the reverence in which Joey came into the sealing room with the Baby. Dressed in white and so beautiful and quiet. He kneeled at the altar with a beyond his years countenance about him. It was as if he just 'knew'. I was absolutely in awe. I don't think I will ever see that again! haha... Later when Joe asked him what his favorite time in California was (including tons of fun things, Disneyland and seeing his cousins and friends) he said, "Well, the Temple." like.. .of course. Joe asked him what it was about the temple and he said, "The prayer that was said." I wanted to die when Joe told me this.. because I wasn't even paying attention to the prayer(not to say I wasn't paying attention or that the prayer was boring, but I was emotionally pretty overwhelmed) .. and here's this little 6 year old listening so attently.
Just so proud...
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Why I'm always waiting for a call!
Oh, you have to click on the pics to see them.
This is why... I get so worried when he goes surfing! I hate the summer cause there's a south shore swell during the summer and that's where Joe works. He doesn't even have to go out of the way to get in danger... these waves are literally outside his office! No joke.
It also doesn't help that he had a realistic dream the other night that he died surfing! And also came home a week ago completely gashed on his side when a wave slammed him into a reef. He was lucky it wasn't his head! He actually rode a wave after that to get out of the ocean! And did it deter him? no, he was back in the water the next morning all bandaged up from his armpit to his butt! I can't tell you how many times I've had to open him up to tweeze out some reef particles (they KILL you until they come out) and bandaged him up. He has scars all over.
So far, I have to admit I'm a little relieved Joey is not ready to go out...
But, I'm glad he gets to do something he loves. Proud of you honey!
Friday, February 13, 2009
The 3 Single Most Important Things...
The single most important thing you can believe in the life is in our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. That He died for us and loves us to no end. That only because of His infinite, atoning sacrifice, can we be made whole and return to live with Him again in our Father's kingdom. He is our Creator and Author of the Universe. Nothing gets to the Father but by and through Him. To even pray to the Father we must do so in his name - To utter his very name is the power to borrow from the atonement to come before God as sinners in prayer. How miraculous!
There are simply no more important things than these.
This is my favorite song: Here are the lyrics and the music in on the following attachment.
Friday, January 16, 2009
Kissee kissee
Dang he's cute.. I just needed an excuse to post more pics of him.. hehe!
Today a little girl tried to kiss him and apparently Joey told her to 'back off', which I believe cause that is so his personality! Girls are always after him so he just has this 'too cool for school' attitude with them - which makes them want him more. Of course I asked him a bunch of questions just to make sure that he wasn't the one trying anything funny. You can never be too sure. I pulled all the stops but it was just a "NO". He said he didn't want to cause he already likes a girl.. ah, how cute of him to be faithful! lol
Once I knew he was mellow, I told him that the next time a girl tries to kiss him he shouldn't hurt her feeling by saying things like, "back off!" He should just say politely, "I don't want to because I think we are too young to be kissing."
Joey just rolled his eyes and goes, "chh, you are so akward, Mom."
haha.... I couldn't help but laugh! He just cracks me up.
Get your preschooler or kindergartner to read!
I had Joey reading at 4, not bad but I wanted him to be reading at 3. So, how do you get your kid to read early?
and read some more to them. You should be reading every night to them since infancy. Get them involved in and excited about the story! Get engaged as you read - do the voices, emphasize, the whole pinata!
Joey still loves me to read to him, no matter how big he thinks he is! hehe This is the single most important thing you can do for your child's early education.
When you have that down and are ready to begin teaching, HANDS DOWN get the Bob Books!!! I absolutely swear by these... they are the best beginner books I could find. I think there are 5 sets (of 12 mini books). I think Joey only needed to go through 3 sets and he was on to Dr. Seuss books and on from there. The books are short so they feel a sense of accomplishment rather than frustration rather quickly. They progress perfectly... not too quick. Joey got through the first book without being able to read a word before that the first night!
I'm telling you, as long as you think your kid is ready and they know the alphabet, they can begin to read. Without all the lessons! I didn't even go through one lesson with Joey - he just knew the sounds of the letters, and boom. It's that easy with these books!
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Wow... this program works! I only just started on Monday morning but wow, I can really feel the difference! Check it out... If you ever watch TV late at night you might have seen the infomercial.. I know, infomercial! But this works!
Since Monday morning to this (Wednesday) morning, I have lost nearly 4 pounds from diet and this exercise and can feel it working everywhere on my body!!!
If you ask for before and after pics, you don't know me... I took the pics with my work out partner but hell will freeze over before anyone sees the 'before' pics! You can see the after pics either during the three months or at the end. hehe
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Jed is 3 Months!
okay, so my pics are out of whack and I'm too tired to take the time to make it pretty.. so just figure it out.. thanks.
Well.. he turned three months on the 7th. He is getting so big! He is now 25 inches long (90th percentile) and 13.4 lbs. (50th percentile).
He is a very happy and content baby. So loving and sweet and smiles all the time! Seeing him smile at me fills me with so much joy I really cannot express. He wakes up happy, even if he's woken up too early and he's happy really anytime during the day. For some reason, he smiles every time I change his diaper.. and I mean every time! He looks at me and gives me this bashful smile and starts to giggle.. He's been doing this as soon as he could smile. He has never ever cried during a diaper change.. even as a newborn.
This is hard to believe but he never cries.. he's such a good baby I feel so blessed and lucky to be his Mom!! He has cried since he was born literally a handful of times and only because he was hungry in the back seat and I couldn't get to him in time. He didn't even cry during his circumcision! The doctor couldn't believe it.
His favorite things are to get his diaper changed, smile, giggle and play with his brother... He loves his big brother, Joey!! read books, stand and sit up as much as he can on his own and for as long as he can - He's so proud and feels like he's such a big boy, you can see on his face- he has ideas! He's gonna do something! haha. He is so strong and stands up so well... He holds his head up like a pro and has been for a long time. When he was two days old he tried so hard to hold up his head, and kept trying and trying until he became more and more steady. So determined. He loves to smile at strangers and loves to talk! Boy, he is a talker.. he can just talk for hours... about this and about that.. such a good conversationalist. As long as you're talking to him, he'll talk! So cute.
He is already teething! crazy.... he just gnaws on everything, especially his fist. Sometimes I think he's hungry, but no, he just wants to suck. Drools and drool caughs all the time.. but it's so cute.
Some things he's beginning to do is laugh - he's trying real hard to laugh. He's more at a giggle but really close. I can't wait to hear that full blown laugh! Also, he is getting real good focusing on something and reaching for it and grabbing it. He tries real hard and is now getting it. What is kinda funny is that he's not too good at holding onto a rattle and shaking it for very long, which is what is normal for his age - but he is reaching for something and is able to grab it, which is actually quite advanced (they usually make sweeping motions at the objects trying to get them at this point).
I love my little guy.. I feel like the luckiest mom in the world :))
Friday, January 2, 2009
New Years 2008
This New Years we spent at the Marriott Waiohai, also Joe's work. They had a nice prime rib buffet. We had Jed in his new little Skate or Cry outfit from a skate shop. So cute!
I don't know what Joey was doing in this picture.
After dinner, we walked down to the beach (still on the property) and enjoyed the fireworks. Jed absolutely loved them and couldn't take his eyes off them. His little body would get all excited and shake at the noise and lights.
Joe was able to hold real still and take these photos. Amazing! The fireworks were right in front of us.
Literally, Joey passed out on the couch in the LAST three seconds of the countdown!! Haha.
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