Joey, Jed and I were able to visit California and see all our family and friends! It was a great time. Joe flew over for the Thanksgiving weekend, which we spent with my family. I was also in my Aunt Susan't wedding on John Wayne's Wild Goose Yacht on November 29th. What a blast it was. So beautiful!
Followed by homemade apple pie - served with natural vanilla ice cream and whipped cream. By the way, you cannot get the same amazingness with store bought desserts. Just isn't the same!
This year, Joey has started school in the 1st grade. He is doing very well and his teacher, Mr. Gomez, is already starting an advanced program for him and a few other students to participate in. Joey is so smart and witty and talented it blows my mind. His favorite things to do are drive me up the wall, watch Total Drama Island on Cartoon Network, draw, draw and draw some more (he is amazing), karate, play soccer and with his legos. Some things he participated in this year was swimming, karate, soccer and the beach. For the new year, in addition we are getting him into piano lessons (if we find a good piano here), theater and hopefully a swim team. What fun!
Joe has been working very hard. In addition to all the activies he is involved with in Joey's life and the Church (he is now the Cub Scout Master for our ward) he enjoys the gym as often as possible and surf! He cannot get enough of surfing!! I am glad he has such a fun hobby to be involved in. This year he also received his Melchizedek Priesthood. I am so happy for him.
This year has been a bit of an exhausting one for me. I was working full time through my pregnancy (thank goodness I had an understanding office and boss who didn't mind when I passed out on his couch when he went out of the office. Haha!) and swelled up like a balloon!!! gross. Despite having a semi-difficult pregnancy (can we say wearing ridiculously thick tights with grandma Dr. Scholls sandals throughout my entire pregnancy during the summer in ridiculous heat and humidity!!!!!!) and a life-changing labor (I asked to die - I doubt I will ever cry from pain again in life), I couldn't ask for anything more from this year. I have an amazing husband and children. For the next year, I plan on getting in amazing shape. Yes, look out for my blog in hopefully 3 months when I should be done with my program! I can't wait. Other than that, I want to progress mentally and spiritually so I can improve myself as a Mother and Wife. Joe and I are planning our temple marriage to be sealed together with our kids. I can't wait. We haven't decided on the temple yet.
Below are some pics of our Christmas together:
Christmas Eve. Unfortunately when this dinner looked the best, my camera wouldn't work. When it finally decided to, this is what it looked like. I cooked my husband's favorite meal - roast. I dare say it is pretty incredible.
Here's my amazing little guy! I can't stand it.

Dessert left over for Santa!
And Santa's Thank You card to Joey.
Here's Joey reading Santa's note.
Here I am wishing I was still sleeping!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Opening presents.

Joe's funky toys he finds for him.
After presents, I make my Christmas morning breakfast. Eggs with sausage, onion, mushrooms and cheese, french toast, spicy grilled potatoes with peppers, onion and bell pepper, orange juice and (turkey) bacon and sausage. During the day I play my all-time favorite movie, The Sound of Music and have a relaxed day. 
This is directly after breakfast! He just passed out!
To end the day, we saw Marley & Me and cried. So cute.